Why Hotels Should Have Electronic Lockers

It comes to no surprise that travelling, especially for first-timer, can sometimes be overwhelming.

It gets even worse when you have to drag your luggage with you as you go around the city. For guest and travellers, Hotel lockers have become an integral part of choosing which hotel or inn to stay. Whether they are travelling for a fun family holiday or for business purposes, most travellers want a 100% guarantee that their belongings are safe and secured. Because of this, more hotels are opting-in to dedicated rooms with electronic lockers for the assurance of their guests. Additionally, having electronic lockers and safes installed in hotel rooms provide guests with a feeling of ease and security as they step out of the establishment.

Below explains further this importance as well as other reasons why hotels should consider having electronic lockers.


Adds Value to Your Establishment

Nowadays, most travellers explore the internet in search of exciting and money-saving deals, which is of no surprise. Then why, you ask, should a hotel demonstrate its value to transform guests experience and impress them?

Despite what most may think, price isn’t the only deciding factor when it comes to grabbing the attention of travellers. When people book a hotel room online or offline, they ensure that they get a greater return than what they spend. Sometimes offering uncommon services, such as hotel lockers, can be the final pull they need in choosing your establishment.


Increase Customer Satisfaction

An unhappy guest will hurt your reputation. Keep a high standard of service by providing your guest with all that they need. Electronic locker locks can provide the security that they require without the hassle of needing to use a key.

Electronic locker locks also provide additional security with a built-in security alarm system that is triggered when the lock is tampered with.


Provides Guest with an Ease of Mind

Hotel room lockers provide easy accessibility, but we can’t ignore concerns surrounding them. There may be some kind of apprehension that will go on in mind. After all, we cannot overlook the risks of a hotel room safe being carried away or lockers being opened by the management staffs; if they have duplicate keys.

In such instances, staying in establishments that offer electronic locker locks can be your best bet. Compared to the traditional locker, electronic lockers are much more advanced and a tad safer in safeguarding your belongings.


Easier Management of Locker

Some electronic locks provide a scheduled auto-lock and unlock feature. With this tidying up lockers for your staff will be a lot easier and quicker. This will also decrease the chances of staff forgetting to clean the lockers ones the guest has left the establishment. Look for specific electronic locker locks that offer this feature and more for easy locker management.

To summarize, travelling is never easy for anyone. This is even made worse when you have to bring your luggage wherever you go.

If you are a hotel owner, it is of utmost importance that you cater to the needs of your guest well. Being mindful of concerns of your client, such as having a safe place to store their belongings, can greatly increase the chances of your hotel being recommended and thus increase the number of visitors. Opting to have electronic lockers can greatly help in getting the satisfaction your client needs.

Ready to make the upgrade?

We are an innovative electronic lock company focused on creating devices and products that will solve common locking problems. Contact us and we’ll help get you started on your journey today!